Project Description
Liechtenstein „Stadtpalais“
Restoration of monumental chandeliers
It started as single monumental chandelier to be restored. All crystal parts where missing and one complete sixth of the metal was missing and had to be reconstructed. Superior gilding techniques and expert casting were among the most demanding tasks beside the installation of high-tech Swarovski LED-candles.
During this inspiring project follow-up projects were awarded resulting in three more monumental chandeliers of similar size and various states of preservation. These ranged from mere cleaning and restoring to a full research and reconstruction from an indistinct picture.
Close supervision of the Liechtenstein restoration authority Lobmeyr partook in the single most outstanding example in recent architectonical and preservational history.
Principal: Liegenschaftsverwaltung Stiftung Fürst Liechtenstein
Building type: Public building
Location: Vienna, Austria
Architect: Wehdorn Architekten
Chandelier design: Historic; various design from early 18th cent.
Services: Restoration, reconstruction, development, research

The „Quadratsaal“ chandelier

The pair of chandeliers reconstructed from a photo for the „Bouquetsaal“

Two Viennese Baroque chandeliers in a gallery hall

Fixing of the large pendulums (Quadratsaal chandelier)

Installing the first of the massive cast brass parts (Quadratsaal chandelier)

The sheer size… (Quadratsaal chandelier)